1.) Select productName,buyPrice,MSRP,(MSRP-buyPrice) as Profit
from products p
having (MSRP-buyPrice) > all (Select (MSRP-buyPrice)
from products p
where p.productline=(Select p.productline
from products p
where productName="1996 Moto Guzzi 1100i"));
ProductName | buyPrice | MSRP | Profit |
'1952 Alpine Renault 1300' | 98.58 | 214.3 | 115.72 |
'2001 Ferrari Enzo' | 95.59 | 207.8 | 112.21 |
2.) SELECT productName, ProductVendor
from products
where productVendor=(Select productVendor from products where productName="1969 Corvair Monza")
and productName!="1969 Corvair Monza";
Product Name | ProductVendor |
'1958 Setra Bus' | 'Welly Diecast Productions' |
'1968 Dodge Charger' | 'Welly Diecast Productions' |
'1969 Dodge Charger' | 'Welly Diecast Productions' |
'1917 Grand Touring Sedan' | 'Welly Diecast Productions' |
'1936 Harley Davidson El Knucklehead' | 'Welly Diecast Productions' |
'1971 Alpine Renault 1600s' | 'Welly Diecast Productions' |
'The Queen Mary' | 'Welly Diecast Productions' |
3.) SELECT productName,sum(quantityinStock) as ProductInStock,sum(quantityOrdered)as TotalQuantityOrdered,sum(quantityinStock)-sum(quantityOrdered) as QuantityLeft
from products p,orderdetails od, orders o
where p.productCode=od.productCode
and od.orderNumber=o.orderNumber
and status="Shipped"
group by productName;
Rows Fetch(109 rows)
4.) SELECT productName,orderNumber
from products p LEFT JOIN orderdetails od
ON p.productCode=od.productCode
where orderNumber is NULL;
'1985 Toyota Supra' | NULL |
5.) SELECT customerName,creditLimit
from customers c
where creditLimit < all (Select creditLimit from customers c, employees e
where c.salesRepEmployeeNumber=e.employeeNumber and lastname="Vanauf" and firstname="George")
and creditLimit!=0;
'Atelier graphique' | 21000 |
'Auto-Moto Classics Inc.' | 23000 |
'Boards & Toys Co.' | 11000 |
'' | 41900 |
'Royale Belge' | 23500 |
'Microscale Inc.' | 39800 |
'Frau da Collezione' | 34800 |
6.) SELECT customerName,sum(quantityordered)
from customers c, orders o, orderdetails od
where c.customerNumber=o.customerNumber and o.orderNumber=od.orderNumber
and country="USA"
group by customerName;
Rows Fetch(36 rows)
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